I started my career as an engineer, but I quickly realized I wanted more out of life and for my family than what a typical corporate 9-5 job would give me. Building the life I wanted through real estate hasn't always been easy, but it is worth it. Along the way, I learned it is as much a journey of personal growth as it is building wealth. 

If you think you are ready to "get a life" for yourself too, I invite you to join us!

Here are 3 simple steps if you think you're ready to start your journey today  

Step 1 - Find Your Start

The Personal Drives the Professional.

I believe "The Personal Drives the Professional" and more money just compounds the problems inside. Here is a free assessment tool to determine your starting point. There is no wrong place to be - you just need to know where you are. 

Get My Free Self Snapshot Tool

Step 2 - Find Your Tribe

Everything is easier with the right people. 

I believe everything is way easier and more fun with the right group of people who will support you, hold you accountable, and cheer you on. I call that a Tribe. There are many groups out there with slimy people in them. I protect my Tribe. Do not take it for granted that everyone does. 

Join The Tribe

Step 3 - Find Your Guide

Everyone needs a coach.

I believe everyone needs a coach. A Coach isn't something that knows everything, but a good one has walked the path a bit farther ahead than you and can help you avoid the pitfalls. Make sure you find the right mentor - I also make sure all my students are right match for me. 

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Looking for more support?

Click on the button below to find out more about my masterminds, grow-as-you-learn courses, and coaching opportunities. 

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